Restructuring the JCG Blog

joelby Joel Comiskey

Rob Campbell is currently visiting one of his network churches in Mexico, and he doesn’t have Internet access. He asked me to blog on his behalf.

I’ll take the opportunity to share with you about our new blog emphasis and format. Starting next week, we’ll be switching to a thematic blog. That is, each of the five bloggers will focus on the same cell church theme. In this way, we hope to give a more in-depth view of a particular cell church topic each week. For example, for the month of April, all of us will cover:

Week 1: Prayer in the cell church–why prayer is so important in the cell church and how to do it

Week 2: Prayer in the cell–how to integrate prayer in the cell

Week 3: Leader exemplifying prayer in his or her own life (devotions, etc.)

Week 4: Christ presence in the cell–how the Trinity produces life and power in the cell group

We hope you’ll actively participate in commenting on these themes.

We also want to welcome Michael Sove, cell champion at Memorial Baptist Church, as our new weekly blogger. Here’s is the new order of blogging:

Monday: Joel Comiskey

Tuesday: Jeff Tunnell

Wednesday: Mario Vega

Thursday: Michael Sove

Friday: Rob Campbell and Steve Cordle (they will alternate from week to week or month to month)

We believe that this new format will bless all who read the blog and help extend Christ’s kingdom.



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