Serving through Cell Ministry

JOELCalifornia fires ravaged San Diego, Orange County, Malibu, and mountain homes around Arrowhead. I live right in the middle of it all, and our windows were closed the entire time because the air outside was so contaminated (a very small inconvenience compared to those who lost homes, etc.). I remember visiting my 83 year old dad in servingLong Beach, CA last week during the height of the Santa Ana winds. We tried to take a walk on the Seal Beach peer, normally a fresh, cool diversion. We walked about half way on the peer and had to turn around because the 94-degree winds were so uncomfortable (and this was literally on the ocean!). Many, many people in California now find themselves in crisis because of the fires.

What can cells do to reach out to people in times of crisis? Most of you know that the most famous cell order is the four Ws. The last W is Witness or Works. A great way to use the Witness time is to minister to people in need.

On Steve Cordle’s blog three weeks ago, he mentioned that many of the cells at Crossroads were out in the community serving unchurched people in practical ways: painting homes, doing repairs, passing out water on a walking trail, or other missional/service-oriented projects. One of our own cells at Wellspring recently asked their non-Christian neighbors, along with their own cell members to prepare shoe boxes full of goodies for Operation Christmas Child.

How has your cell group reached out to hurting people? Next blog I’ll share how Elton Lin, a cell church planter in the San Francisco area, is equipping his cell leaders to meet social needs in the community.



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