Characteristics of Leaders for Childrens’ Cells


by Mario Vega

We had to define the profile we needed to start our first training course for leaders of children’s cells. Obviously, we were looking for leaders who were born again, baptized in water, of good reputation, and full of the Holy Spirit.

The minimum age was set on 16 years. The fact that these cells are for children does not mean that the leader has to be another child. The work of evangelizing and making disciples out of children is not a game. We needed responsible people, and that’s why we decided that the leaders could be grownups, parents, etc., but never children under 16 years of age.

Another important element is the vocation or aptitude. Not all people have the patience or the grace needed to be children’s leaders. Because of that, the choice has been left up to each person to work with adults or children’s cells. Only the person knows if he or she has the inclination to work or not with children.

Finally, we set as a condition for leaders of children’s cells to go through the training course. This course was designed especially for children’s cells and has additional components from the adult’s cell. Today, after several years of working with children’s cells, the teaching has been systematized into a Training Center where the leaders are trained in contents such as Children’s Theology and Children’s and Adolescents Rights, in addition to the traditional contents of the cell work.



Cualidades de los lderes de células infantiles.

Para iniciar nuestro primer curso de formación de lderes para células infantiles definimos el perfil que necesitábamos. Obviamente, buscábamos personas nacidas de nuevo, bautizadas en agua, de buen testimonio y llenas del Espritu Santo.

Además se fijó la edad mnima de 16 años. El que las células sean para niños no significa que el lder deba ser otro niño. El trabajo de evangelizar y hacer discpulos a los niños no es cosa de juego. Necesitábamos personas responsables y, por ello, decidimos que los lderes podan ser personas mayores, padres de familia, etc. Pero nunca menores de 16 años.

Otro elemento importante es el de la vocación. No todas las personas tienen la paciencia o la gracia que se necesitan para ser lderes de niños. Por ello, se ha dejado a la elección de cada persona el trabajar con células de adultos o con células de niños. Solamente la persona sabe si posee la inclinación para trabajar con niños o no.

Finalmente, establecimos como condición cubrir el curso de formación de lderes de células infantiles. Éste curso se diseñó especialmente para células infantiles y posee componentes adicionales al de células de adultos. Actualmente, después de varios años de trabajar con células infantiles, se ha sistematizado la enseñaza hasta formar un Centro de Formación donde se capacita a los lderes en contenidos como Teologa de la Niñez y Derechos de los Niños y Adolescentes. Además de los contenidos tradicionales sobre el trabajo celular.

2 thoughts on “Characteristics of Leaders for Childrens’ Cells

  • Wow! Is it possible to have access to your training track for children cells leader? The theology for children as well as their wrights?

    Thank you from Quebec Canada

  • Imagine! Children and teens who have been trained in the operating of real cells.

    What does this move portend for the future on campuses and across cities round the world?

    Will children’s cells be allowed to replicate? To reproduce like adult cells?

    Do children in their own cells practice something to inject into nearby adult cells for a few minutes?

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