The Power of Focusing


by Mario Vega

When a person concentrates in one specific thing he can achieve amazing results. Thomas Aquinas once said: “I fear the one single book man.” The man who knows a single book only, knows it well and is a fearsome adversary.

If the leader focuses on training a new leader, in a certain amount of time (even months), the leader will turn into a fearsome multiplier. In order to do so, it is necessary that leaders define their priorities, their time, their efforts, and their investments.

When a person concentrates on training new leaders, he or she will soon be an expert in this matter. If all of the leaders do the same, a church can become a strong wave of leadership multiplication. The multiplication of leaders precedes the multiplication of cells, and because of this, the outreach will be larger. Lets encourage our leaders to focus on being multipliers.



El poder de enfocarse.

Cuando una persona se concentra en una cosa especfica puede lograr cosas sorprendentes. Tomás de Aquino dijo en una ocasión:

‘Temo al hombre de un solo libro’. El hombre que sólo conoce un único libro, lo conoce bien y es un adversario temible.

Si el lder se enfoca en formar un nuevo lder cada cierta cantidad de meses se convertirá en un multiplicador temible. Para ello, es necesario que los lderes definan sus prioridades, su tiempo, sus esfuerzos y sus inversiones en torno al tema de la formación de un nuevo lder.

Cuando una persona se concentra en formar nuevos lderes muy pronto será un experto en la materia. Si todos los lderes hacen lo mismo, una iglesia puede convertirse en una fuerte ola de multiplicación de lderes. La multiplicación de lderes precede a la multiplicación de células y, de esa manera, los alcances serán mayores. Animemos a nuestros lderes a enfocarse en ser multiplicadores.

4 thoughts on “The Power of Focusing

  • Amen, amen and amen!

    Six knells of the church death bell:
    1) Let’s have fewer, better leaders.
    2) Slow down and improve body life.
    3) We must consolidate our gains.
    4) It is time to strengthen congregational unity.
    5) The economy requires we control costs.
    6) Avoid schism and splits, at all costs.

  • I give out eagle awards every year for my leaders who raise leaders and multiply. I have one leader who want 50 eagles on his mantle. I believe he will acheive that goal. Leaders must have multiplication eyes.

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