Coaching 1: Determine the Need

coach-tunnell  by Jeff Tunnell

Have you slowed your efforts long enough to recognize/determine the need by honestly inquiring, “Do I/we need coaching for our cell church?”

Last week in this blog I wrote “In sharing my excitement with others, about re-entering a coaching commitment, it was suggested by some that I know enough to accomplish this coaching myself and probably don’t need to meet with Joel.”  (1) To say that I know enough is a great overstatement (especially when comparing myself to Joel Comiskey!) (2) The coaching is for my staff, and me, during the transition of Sr. Pastor leadership in our cell-based, cell-driven church, and while I could coach them to a certain degree, I recognize my shortcomings.  By using JCG, I will insure a greater benefit for the future of our congregation & its vision.

Those who subscribe to this blog are at different stages of the great work of advancing HIS kingdom.  Our blog readers represent church planters, newly transitioning churches, successfully completed transitions and those who have been cell-based from their inception.  Others are leaders of organizations, authors, publishers, cell leaders and hopefully all are friends.  We are from numerous nations with differing geo-political environs, but all called to the same ‘commission’. 

Some will not need coaching at this time.  But have you taken the time to determine if  is something you do need and from which you could benefit?  For me, this was the first part of coaching.

1 thought on “Coaching 1: Determine the Need

  • The pastors that I have coached have seen their cell groups grow leaps and bounds. I don’t think it’s my expertise nearly as much as it’s a relationship with someone who invites the pastor to be strategic and not just go with the flow and find himself downstream without a paddle… or a canoe!

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