The Trinity and the Gifts/Functions of Cell Ministry

by Mario Vega

Joel Comiskey did a great job of expounding on the Trinity and cell ministry. It’s true that the presence of God must fill each cell, since it constitutes the Body of Christ.

The passage in 1 Corinthians 11:2 to 14:40, which is traditionally interpreted as referring to the Christian celebration (and this is understood as the traditional church meeting in a building), acquires new meaning as we remember that Christians did not have buildings to gather for celebrations until well into the second century. Consequently, the passage talks about what happened in the early Christian house meetings.

Within this context is the passage that says: “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ways how to serve, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6). This passage is not only important because it mentions the Spirit, the Lord, and God (liturgical ways to refer to the Spirit, the Son and the Father). More than that, it is important because it expresses how the dynamism of the Trinity gave meaning to the house meetings.

Without the Trinity imparting gifts, services, and functions to the cell members, the cell would have no life or attractiveness. It is the presence and the merciful operation of God’s Trinity which allows every believer to reunite toward Christ and to practice its corresponding role as a member of the Body. That is how the believers are strengthened and are being built together.

Such activity explains how the early church was born, raised and established. It was all through the presence and vivifying action of the Triune God in their midst.



translation in Spanish:

Los dones, el servicio y las funciones en la célula.

Como bien lo expuso Joel Comiskey en su blog sobre La Trinidad y el Ministerio Celular, la presencia de Dios llena cada célula a partir que ella constituye el Cuerpo de Cristo.

El pasaje que va de 1 de Corintios 11:2 al 14:40, que tradicionalmente se interpreta como referido al culto cristiano (y éste entendido como la reunión tradicional de la iglesia en un edificio), adquiere nuevo significado al recordar que, en sus primeros siglos, los cristianos no poseyeron edificios para el culto. Consecuentemente, el pasaje habla sobre lo que suceda en las reuniones en casas de los primeros cristianos.

Dentro de ese contexto se encuentra el pasaje que dice: ‘Hay diversos dones, pero un mismo Espritu. Hay diversas maneras de servir, pero un mismo Señor. Hay diversas funciones, pero es un mismo Dios el que hace todas las cosas en todos’ 1 Co. 12:4-6. El pasaje no sólo es importante porque se menciona el Espritu, el Señor y a Dios: formas litúrgicas de referirse a el Espritu, el Hijo y el Padre. Más que eso, es importante porque expresa cómo el dinamismo de la Trinidad era lo que daba sentido a las reuniones en casas.

Sin la Trinidad otorgando dones, servicios y funciones a los miembros de la célula, ésta no tendra vida ni atractivo. Es la presencia y la operación misericordiosa de la Trinidad de Dios la que permite que cada creyente se reúna en dirección a Cristo y cada uno ejercite el papel que le corresponde como miembro del Cuerpo. Es de esa manera como los creyentes son fortalecidos y edificados los unos a los otros.

Tal actividad explica cómo la iglesia primitiva nació, creció y se estableció. Todo fue por medio de la presencia y acción vivificadora del Dios trino en medio de ellos.

2 thoughts on “The Trinity and the Gifts/Functions of Cell Ministry

  • Great article! We seem to experience more miracles, signs and wonders in our cell groups! Church sometimes becomes so routine that we have lost the flow of the Spirit, that is why we love the cell ministry so much! I have had several testimonies of Tumors dissipating and shrinking, bondages being removed, Workers that were on modified duty being healed and set free! Co-workers that we spent hours discussing in leadership meetings because of Strife and division, being touch by the power of God and now able to get along in unity(to upper leaderships surprise). Its an amazing extension of Gods arms, definitely a church without walls. Its its such a privilege to allow God to use your house like He did in the old testament! Thanks for the encouragement!

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