Spiritual Wisdom for Leadership

Jeff Tunnell

Why is training for leaders emphasized in cell churches?  Again we follow principles found in scripture: each of us need to humble ourselves, become as children and learn the kingdom life from those who are ahead of us spiritually.  We come to the cross to surrender our previous accomplishments in order to obtain the prize of knowing Jesus.  We submit our skills and education to the new standards of the Bible.  Paul, after recounting his worldly and religious accomplishments said that he counted them all loss compared to knowing Christ.

For example, he church we assist in Texcoco, Mexico has converted to cell-based ministry after studying the principles of cell ministry and making a visit to ELIM of San Salvador.  This church is located near the University of Chapingo.  Many of the adults attending the church are highly educated professors who admit readily that their worldly equipping has some transferable qualities to the Christian life,  but these fall short of what is needed to shepherd people in the kingdom of God.  They are desirous of training from their Pastor for cell leadership, family life and personal development as Christians.

Training involves the application of Biblical wisdom that is from above, not of this world.  Many leaders in the world of business and finance are good in their line of work or field of professional training, but on becoming believers must take their personal development in Christ as seriously as they did their professional training.  They cannot do this without help and direction.  We must take this aspect of leadership development very seriously to ensure that God’s heavenly wisdom is ruling above any worldly practices.

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