Don’t Discard Anyone!


by Mario Vega

Joel Comiskey has written on other occasions about the time it takes to multiply cells from one region of the world to another. He has spoken that in Latin America it takes six months aproximately for a cell to mature and multiply while in Europe it might take two years.

Everyone should know their particular context in order to avoid developing excessive expectations when setting their multiplication goals. On the other hand, it’s important NOT to set the bar too low.

Regardless of the time in each context, the big question remains: what do you do with those cells that do not multiply? Some believe in closing cells that don’t multiply. Our position at Elim is that you must not discard any leader and should not close any cell. If multiplication is not happening, it is because something is wrong that needs to be fixed. The problem might be the leader, the cell’s internal dynamic, or some other problem.

It is the coaches’ task to examine and identify the problem and offer solutions. Jesus never discarded anyone for incompetence. Rather, Jesus helped the person to be competent. No one should be discarded or set aside in cell ministry. It is not about getting rid of the weak links but of making them strong links. We must not subtract strength but add strength. There is room for everyone in the Kingdom of God and Jesus will not cast out anyone.

Situations like sin can lead to dismissal of a leader for a time of restoration. But even during the period of discipline, restoration is taking place. It is a period of support to move forward later on with renewed strength.



Translation in Spanish

¡No deseches a nadie!

Joel Comiskey ha escrito en otras ocasiones sobre el tiempo que toma la multiplicación de una célula de una región del mundo a otra. Ha hablado que en Latinoamérica toma un aproximado de seis meses para que una célula madure y se multiplique, en Europa ese tiempo es de dos años.

Cada quien debe ubicarse en su contexto particular para no desarrollar expectativas excesivas a la hora de fijar sus metas de multiplicación, pero tampoco para establecer plazos demasiado laxos.

Independientemente del tiempo en cada contexto, la gran pregunta continúa siendo: ¿qué hacer con aquellas células que no se multiplican? Algunos han respondido que se deben clausurar. Nuestra posición en Elim es que no se debe desechar a ningún lder y no se debe cerrar ninguna célula. Si la multiplicación no se está produciendo es porque algo anda mal. Puede ser que el problema sea con el lder, puede ser que sea con la dinámica interna de la célula.

Pero esas dos cosas son remediables. Es tarea de los supervisores el examinar e identificar las debilidades. Luego, deben esforzarse por suplir los elementos que hacen falta. Jesús nunca desechó a nadie por incompetente, les ayudó a ser competentes. En el trabajo celular nada se debe desechar. No se trata de deshacerse de los eslabones débiles sino de convertirlos en eslabones fuertes. No debemos restar fuerzas sino sumar. Todos caben en el Reino de Dios y Jesús a nadie hecha fuera.

Situaciones como el pecado pueden conducir a cesar a un lder por un tiempo de restauración. Pero aún eso, es tiempo de restauración. Es un perodo de ayuda para luego seguir adelante con nuevas fuerzas.

3 thoughts on “Don’t Discard Anyone!

  • I agree with mario. however i am in a church where home cell groups are meant for consolidating fellowship among church members only. i feel we need to set multiplication as primary objective of cell groups. isn’t it right?

    With Blessing
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • Alex, you may want to make mentoring-based discipleship the primary objective of cell groups which *results* in multiplication as a public sign of discipleship success and health. This way, the member’s best interest is always kept at heart and in mind.

    Not everyone sees my point of view, but I must say that making multiplication a public indicator of health and not the goal really keeps the members of the groups from feeling as if they are asked to divorce one another. It’s more like moving out of your parent’s home to start a family of your own.

    And Mario, I so wish American small group pastors could read your blog post today. Everyone here that is outside of the cell church world believes cell churches are controlling and manipulative when it comes to group multiplication and closure. Oh how I yearn for them to hear your heart for people!

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