That All May Hear

by Michael Sove

I have experienced the whole spectrum of planting churches.  I planted a community church with cells.  I planted a house church, which also formed a network of house churches.  I also planted a cell church and am now involved in helping a church transition to be a cell church.

To answer the question why church planting?  I would respond, “That all may hear.”  Every time I planted a church regardless of the context, people came to Jesus Christ and they connected to the believers who were the church.  Church planting is a penetration strategy and a powerful one at that.

God uses all types of strategies to gather in the harvest, mega churches, community churches, cell churches and house church networks.  I have been part of all of these and my preference is cell church, the church that gathers in celebration and cell.  I have grown to appreciate the church as a many faceted diamond.

I think we can plant more churches if we keep the working definition simple.  My favorite working definition of what church is:  “The presence of Jesus among His people called out as a spiritual family to pursue His mission on this planet.”  (Neil Cole – Greenhouse)

There are so many people yet to be reached, but it will take someone just like you, with your gifts, your strategy, your vision and your passion.  It will take someone who sees the fields ready to harvest.  A heart for the lost is where all church planting begins.

Will you be part of the solution?


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