The Myth of Cell Ministry and Megachurches

Myth: Cell churches are megachurches
Truth: Relatively few cell churches will reach mega church status

Some people think that house churches are simple and grass-root oriented, but cell churches are huge, complicated mega-structures. Admittedly, I’ve added to this confusion by writing books on the largest cell churches in the world. Yet, the impetus of my orginal study on the largest cell churches in the world was to fulfill my Ph.D requirements for Fuller Theological Seminary. The doctoral committee directed me to study specific, prominent churches to discover principles common in all of them. My book, Reap the Harvest, details those principles.

The fact is that the average size church in North America is 72 people. My observation is that most cell churches in the western world are small. I’ve also observed, however, that these smaller churches are seeing life transformation happen as the cells minister to both believers and unbelivers on a personal level.

It’s easy for pastors of smaller cell churches to feel unsuccessful in comparison with the larger mega cell churches. Yet, Jesus measures succcess in terms of lives changed through your ministry. If your church is seeing life transformation, you need to rejoice that Christ’s mission is being acomplished through you, whatever the size of your church.



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