The School of Ministry


by Mario Vega

Cell Ministry allows Christians to function as actual ministers of the gospel.

For example, the leader develops the cell lesson, with a special emphasis on reaching the unconverted. To make this happen, it’s essential for him or her to receive training in how to evangelize.

The leader might also be called upon to function as a counselor. This requires sensitivity to those in the cell. Experience is the best teacher to grow in this discipline.

The leader also functions in the capacity of disciple-maker. When a person comes to Christ, the leader needs to assure that the new convert matures in the Christian life.

And of course, the leader must guide the dynamics of the group, making sure there’s a proper flow between prayer, worship, and Word.

All of these disciplines prepare the leader to influence others. What the leader is called upon to accomplish is exactly what pastors are asked to do. That’s why cell ministry provides such a wonderful environment to produce ministers for the harvest.



translation in Spanish:

La escuela del ministerio.

El trabajo celular permite a los cristianos relacionarse con las funciones de un ministro del evangelio.

El lder desarrolla la capacidad de impartir una enseñanza de la Biblia y notar cuáles son los aspectos que debe reforzar para asegurar el aprendizaje y la conversión de los invitados.

Eso permite que el lder pueda entrenarse en el trabajo de compartir las buenas nuevas de salvación.

Además, el lder ejerce cierta función de consejera.

Le permite trabajar con diversas personalidades y desarrolla la capacidad de la empata. La escuela de la experiencia le muestra las maneras más eficaces de ayudar a los demás.

El lder también ejerce una función de tutora. Cada vez que una persona llega a la conversión es cuidada por el lder quien le gua en sus primeros pasos hasta que llegue a convertirse en un cristiano maduro.

El lder aprende a desenvolverse frente a un grupo de personas. Dirige las dinámicas. Dirige alabanzas, oraciones y toma iniciativas. Todas estas cosas le enseñan la manera de ejercer una influencia sobre las personas.

Cada una de las cosas mencionadas son caractersticas que todo ministro del evangelio debe tener. El trabajo celular permite que cada lder adquiera estas caractersticas con lo cual, en la práctica, se dan pasos agigantados para el deseo de Dios de tener en cada creyente una persona que ejerza la obra del ministerio.

3 thoughts on “The School of Ministry

  • Joel,

    I am a pastor of a multi-ethnic church of about 75 people. We ask that everyone in the church be connected to a weekly small group of 6 to 12 people. We have about 60% of our church family connected to a small group. The problem I have had over the years is recruiting and training leaders. So, here’s my question/dilemma: Am I simply looking for a facilitator who loves God, cares about people, and has the basics down? Or am I looking for someone more mature who can counsel, evangelize, teach, etc–in essence, a “pastor” like Mario Vega described above? It seems we need a pastor type person to really effectively lead a group.

  • Hey, Adam, great question! Congratulations on your progress! I would tend to encourage you to follow your first question: facilitator who loves God, cares. . .

    Here’s why: the best way to become mature is to be in ministry. It also demonstrates to the members that they also can arrive at the facilitation role. Granted, you have to COACH such people and keep a close watch on them, but as they continue to minister, they will grow in their maturity. The bottom line is that there are very few already made mature people. Some “supposedly mature” people have spent too long outside of active ministry and have become critical, etc.

    I do think that Mario’s blog was more DESCRIPTIVE than PRESCRIPTIVE. He was just trying to show the benefits of leadership in a cell. BTW, in Elim, they raise up leaders rapidly. They also do a great job of coaching those leaders. . .


  • Follow up, follow through with most dedicated passionate cell group members
    who care about other more then themselves & more then others is my answer to that question.

    I think I found a fubndamental answers to our questions in the Book “Rediscovering the Kingdom” by Myles Munroe. This book happened to go in line with my thinking. Although I have very limited Bible knowledge.

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