How to Invite Someone to the Cell Meeting


by Mario Vega

When I got home I found under the door a small sheet of paper that said “Coffee Cells.” It was an invitation to a cell meeting in an address that I did not know and neither did I know the person who was inviting.

I don’t doubt that God is merciful, and that He can reach a person with an invitation as simple as that one. But that’s not the spirit nor the method of the cell work. Of course, it’s much easier to throw a paper under the door than to go through the trouble of interacting with people. But to establish a friendship with people happens to be the foundation of cell work.

Fellowship and community is one of the key purposes and components of cell work, and therefore one should not ignore the process of creating new friendships as a first step to inviting someone to the cell meeting.

In previous blogs, I have written about how to be successful in bringing a guest to the cell meeting. The essential element is relationship and friendship with the person you intend to invite. That definitely can not be achieved only by sliding a paper under the door.



Translation in Spanish:

La invitación a la célula

Al llegar a casa encontré debajo de la puerta una pequeña hoja de papel que deca ‘Células café’. Se trataba de una invitación para asistir a una célula en una dirección que no conoca y a la cual invitaba una persona que tampoco conoca.

No dudo que Dios es misericordioso y que puede alcanzar a una persona con una invitación tan sencilla como esa. Pero, ese no es el espritu ni el método del trabajo celular. Claro que es mucho más fácil arrojar un papel bajo la puerta que tomarse el trabajo de relacionarse con las personas. Pero el establecer una amistad con las personas resulta ser el elemento fundamental del trabajo celular.

La comunión entre las personas que asisten a una célula es uno de los propósitos y componentes del trabajo celular. Por ello, no se debe dejar de lado que el crear una nueva amistad es el paso previo a invitar a una persona a una reunión de célula.

En blogs anteriores he escrito sobre los pasos para poder lograr un invitado para la célula. El elemento esencial es la relación y amistad con la persona que se pretende invitar. Eso, definitivamente, no se puede lograr solo con un papel bajo la puerta.

Coaches Gathering

Jeff Tunnell

Next time I meet with my coaches we will process M. Scott Boren’s book, “How Do We Get There From Here” by turning the pages from front cover to back.  We have all finished reading this one and now we want to take on some dialogue as to how the material relates to us in the various stages of transformation.  It should be fast-paced and highly interactive and hopefully a bit of fun too.

The part I look forward to most is the interaction with others in discovery of Vision, Strategy, Values, Practices, Priorities and Principles.  While we are not “reinventing the wheel” in this exercise, we are looking to strengthen our vision team and tighten up our processes that will lead to greater and more fruitful ministry.

Next week we will meet with Joel, share our results and receive additional coaching from him.  We don’t need to “go it alone” in the ministry of cell church!  There have been too many times in my life and ministry where saying “No thanks, I can do this myself” has cost me time and additional effort, ending in failure.  Pride still precedes a fall and we are saving ourselves the trip, pun intended.



The Importance of Perspective

by Rob Campbell

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the people who care for you. They are the ones who genuinely display their love to you.

As a matter of perspective, answer the following questions:

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.

4. Name ten people who have won a Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last ten World Series Winners.

As you can see, very few of us remember the headlines of yesterday. Yes, the individuals above can be considered to be the best in their respective fields. Yet, one day the applause dies. Awards will tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Faces and names disappear from our memory.

To clarify your perspective, answer the following questions:

1. Name three teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Name five people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Name five people you enjoy spending time with.

Chances are high that you have been reminded of important people in your life who have displayed their love to you. Love is a verb. Love is action oriented. Love never fails. Perfect love casts out fear. Those who love and care for you– show up! They are present in your times of sorrow, discouragement and despair. They also can rejoice in your victories, successes and triumphs.

Take time to pray for those people in your life who mean the most to you. Pray blessings over them. Send them an encouraging email, note or card. Contact them via a phone call and say, “Thanks ……..I appreciate you!”

