Building Leaders

joelI finish chapter three of Leadership Explosion with the following three paragraphs: HOMEgroup

A number of cell disciplines contribute to cell multiplication, but I believe the primary one is leadership development. Successful cell churches understand that without new leadership, multiplication will not happen. The principal job of the cell leader is to train the next cell leader—not to fill the house with guests.

Your primary objective in small group ministry is not to build groups. Rather, we develop small groups so we can build leaders, because leaders build groups. Remember, a small group is never an end in itself.

Empowering and releasing people to lead is the goal. Non-Christians must be converted into members and then developed into leaders. George says, “But small groups are not the solution to what the church needs most desperately. Rather, churches rise and fall on the availability of trained, talented, and Spirit-gifted leadership. And the best possible context anyone has ever discovered for developing leadership occurs because of a small group.”


Carl George wrote the above quote back in eighteen years ago. And he’s still right!

What do you think?



A Lesson from the Hubble on Focus

                      In light of Joel’s post yesterday on FOCUS, let me borrow a story from a book entitled The Externally Focused Church by Rusaw and Swanson.  This book, by the way, is a great (no- excellent) read!

The Hubble space telescope was launched from the space shuttle Discovery on April 24, 1990.  Expectations were high from the beginning, as astronomers anticipated new discoveries and verification of their hypotheses and theories.  At launch time the Hubble project had cost over $1.5 billion to create what would be the world’s most powerful and accurate telescope.

The primary mirror, nearly eight feet across and weighing nearly a ton, was ground as close to perfection as humanly possible.  Perched 353 miles above the Earth, the Hubble had an unobstructed view and could peer light years into space to observe previously undiscovered galaxies.  But there was a problem.  Soon after the Hubble was set in orbit, engineers discovered that the main mirror was flawed.  Objects that were supposed to be clear were fuzzy.  The problem was not power or size.  THE PROBLEM WAS FOCUS.

The Hubble had to be repaired.  So in December 1993, astronauts aboard the space shuttle Endeavor fitted the mirror with corrective optics.  The mission was a complete success.  The repairs corrected Hubble’s previously blurry vision and allowed the telescope to explore the universe with unprecedented precision and clarity.  Only when the Hubble was FOCUSED, could it carry out the mission for which it was created. 

Size is important.  Power is important.  But FOCUS is everything.

by Rob Campbell

Focused Training

joelIn chapter three (Cell Reproduction: The Guiding Start of Leadership Development) of Leadership Explosion, I talk about multiplication. In the following two paragraphs I connect training to mutliplication: FOCUSED

If cell multiplication is the principal goal of each cell leader, then leadership training must fulfill that purpose. This focus will dispose of a lot of fuzziness and fog from the first day of training. It will hone the leader in those areas that will make cell multiplication a reality. It will transform generalized training program into specialized training. Instead of training a standing army, it will prepare a lightning task force that concentrates on the one thing, the most important task of cell leadership.

A clear focus on cell multiplication will help potential leadership gain confidence and clarity. It will also help the leader to pastor the members and train new ones. Why? So that the group will reproduce itself.


Now let me be clear. The principal goal of all of life is to glorify Jesus Christ. Amen. I’m inferring this in the above paragraphs. I also want to clarify that other aspects of the cell are exceedingly important also–evangelism, community, etc. I am saying, however, that when a church has a clear focus on developing new leaders that multiply cell groups, the training becomes focused. Rather, than just generalized Christian education, the equipping turns into preparing the laity for the battle.




Grasping the Bigger Picture

joelIn chapter three Leadership Explosion, I explore the subject of cell multiplication. As you can tell from the following quotes, I’ve been on a journey: cell

The desired end is that each cell grows and multiplies. When you are crystal clear on this point, leadership training becomes focused. I didn’t always believe in cell multiplication as the guiding star for cell ministry. In my first cell manual (1992) I wrote, “The focus of the cells is evangelism and discipleship.” On the same page I also said, “The principal objective of our system is that the members of each cell experience true fellowship with each other.” At that time, I didn’t try to connect evangelism, discipleship, and fellowship. As I look back, I readily admit that I was confused about the central focus of cell ministry. I had read some articles and books, and afterwards tried to pull it all together. Maybe you’ve done the same thing.

Try to grasp the bigger picture that cell multiplication draws. To multiply a group, a leader must pray daily for cell members, prepare himself spiritually before God, visit the members regularly, make numerous phone calls to invite newcomers, prepare the cell lesson, make any other arrangements, and above all, train new leadership to lead the new cells. It’s a total package. If the cell leader only focuses on evangelism, many will slip out the back door. If he only centers his attention on discipleship, the group will grow inward and probably stagnate. If the leader solely concentrates on small group dynamics, leadership development will suffer. Effective cell leaders possess a clear aim for the group and gently lead the group to fulfill the goal of multiplication.

The cell leader should delegate responsibility as much as possible. He must stimulate others in the group to visit, make phone calls, and participate in the cell. The cell leader simply makes sure these disciplines take place.


Some have criticized me for emphasizing multiplicaiton too much. And yes, it’s possible to mutliply weak cells! To multiply a healthy cell is hard work and involves many factors. I wholeheartedly complement those who can make it happen.




Your group’s shelf-life


by Steve Cordle


Joel’s post yesterday about releasing leaders and the core value of multiplication is so vital for us to hear.

A while ago a pastor of a large, growing church said to me “Here’s why I don’t go for the cell idea: why should I create a system in which constantly breaks up groups? The people are just starting to gel together and then they have to split.”

This pastor was correct in that multiplication is a core value of cell minsitry. There are several reasons why this is so.

First, each group has a shelf-life. As marvelous as fellowship is, and as exciting as it can be to experience God together, that sense of spiritual community won’t last unless it is given away. Groups have a “shelf-life”After about 2 years, groups which have not had new people join will spoil and begin to die (even if they still meet, the flame wil have gone out and they just won’t realize it.)

Just as God fed the people of Israel with manna but told them not to try to store it, so the Jesus feeds us with community, but tells us not to try to horde it. We must extend it to others.

Some say, “We’re going to close our group so we can really focus on discipleship together”. I would have to ask what kind of disciples are we making when we create an environment which mitigates against the outreach? In Luke 15 Jesus taught that the heart of the Father is for those far from him. Groups need to foster that in their goals and structure.

As Joel mentioned, it is easy to get comfortable among those we know and love. But we are commissioned not to comfort, but to extend the life we receive from the Lord.