The Value of Numbers

marioby Mario Vega

Goals are essential in order to have cells multiplying. Since we started our work we began to establish clear goals for each zone pastor. But, targets arereporting meaningless if you don’t know where you are standing at a present time.

For this reason, it soon became necessary to handle several reports that would allow us to know the real status of the work. In those reports each leader writes down information such as the attendance of Christians in his cell, the number of guests, the number of conversions, etc.

Each supervisor consolidates the information received from his leaders in a sectors’ report. Then, the zone pastor prepares his consolidated result with the sum of the reports of his supervisors. Then, the district pastor consolidates the information with the sum of the reports of his zones. Finally, you get the consolidated result for the church by the sum of reports of the districts.

Although it seems that this is a cumbersome work, to be honest, it is done fluently and fast. We have each week the cell work statistics’ of the previous week and we know exactly the results. On that basis we can plan, project ourselves and mend deficiencies.

Normally, churches are not used to handle accurate calculations of its members. But in our case, it has enabled us to know where we are, where we come from and where we are heading. What is your opinion on this topic?



El valor de los números.

Las metas son esenciales para tener células que se multiplican. Desde que iniciamos nuestro trabajo comenzamos a establecer metas claras para cada Pastor de zona. Pero, las metas no tienen sentido si no se sabe en qué lugar se encuentra uno en el presente.

Por tal motivo, pronto se hizo necesario llevar una serie de reportes que nos permitan conocer el estado real del trabajo. En los reportes cada lder escribe datos tales como la cantidad de cristianos presentes en su célula, la cantidad de invitados, el número de conversiones, etc.
Cada supervisor consolida la información que recibe de sus lderes en un reporte de sector.
Luego, el pastor de zona hace su consolidado con la suma de los reportes de sus supervisores.
Luego, el pastor de distrito consolida los datos con la suma de los reportes de sus zonas. Finalmente, tengo el consolidado de la iglesia por la suma de los reportes de los distritos.
Aunque parece que éste es un trabajo engorroso, en verdad, se realiza de una manera muy fluida y rápida. Cada semana tenemos las estadsticas del trabajo celular de la semana anterior y sabemos con exactitud los resultados. Sobre esa base podemos planear, proyectarnos y corregir lo deficiente.

Normalmente, las iglesias no son muy dadas a llevar cuentas exactas de sus miembros. Pero, en nuestro caso, ellas nos han permitido saber adónde estamos, de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos. ¿Qué piensa usted del tema?


Sheep Care

by Steve Cordle


In John 21 the risen Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?”

Peter (perhaps sadly) responds, “You know I do”.

Jesus then re-commissions Peter: “Take care of my sheep”. Three years earlier Jesus had called Peter to follow him and become a fisher of men. Now, even after Peter’s denial, Jesus reaffirms His call on Peter’s life: “Take care of my sheep.”

Many pastors — and group leaders — understand their calls to be to shepherd God’s flock.

But who were those sheep? At that time there were maybe 120 followers of Jesus. Are they the sheep Jesus meant Peter to care for? I think Jesus was also referring to many others yet unreached — those people who were not yet part of the new community of the Church. I think Jesus was also referring to those people who inwardly moved Him when He looked out over Jerusalem and saw the people who were “like sheep without a shepherd”. And shorlty thereafter the Holy Spirit empowered Peter to gather 3,000 more of those sheep in one day (Pentecost).

When we see our role as group leaders and pastors as taking care of ALL of Jesus’ sheep — including those wandering in the spiritual wilderness being attacked by wolves — it deeply influences the way we lead.

Has the Lord called you to “Take care of my sheep”? How are you seeking out his lost ones?

Invitation Power

by Rob Campbell

Joel’s post yesterday was about “invitation power.”  It is my belief that there is great power in an invite.  “Follow me…”  “Take up your cross daily and follow me…”  “Lay down your nets and follow me…”  Jesus was a great inviter.  Inviting others to experience the power of God is not rocket science.  Consider the following questions.

Would you like for me to give you a ride?  How ’bout you come over about 6 for dinner?  Do you want to go to the movie?  Is there any way I can help you today?  Will you come and walk with me?  Would you like to know God?  Would you hold my hand?  Will you go with me…it’s dark in there?

The questions above are….invitations, aren’t they?  They open the door for one to respond.  One can choose to participate, or not. 

My friends, Bob and Cecilia, while eating at a local cafe invited a waitress to Easter Celebration a few years ago.  Her name was Stefanie.  Long story very, very short.  Today, Stefanie, her husband Josh and family serve as missionaries in Oaxaca, Mexico.  You see, Stefanie received Christ on that Sunday morning.  As the months unfolded, Josh received Christ.  Their passion for Christ grew in an amazing fashion and one day they were commissioned by Cypress Creek Church to spread the gospel to Oaxaca.

That, my friends, is invitation power.  Ask “inviting” questions like those mentioned above.  You may not consider yourself a “soul winner,” but anyone can be a great inviter.





Inviting People to Your Cell Group

joelHave we done enough inviting to our cell groups? Most cell books and articles rightly emphasize friendship evangelism–getting to know people and earning invitationthe right to share the gospel. And this is good and right. But getting to know people can be a long, slow process. And there’s a limit to how many people we can know well. What about those we don’t know (or don’t know well) but who still need an  invitation?

Eric Glover, the new lead pastor at Wellspring, has set a great example in his own LIFE group in the area of inviting. A half dozen people from his neighborhood have recently come to his Tuesday night LIFE group because of his simple invitations. He made fliers and passed those fliers out in his neighborhood. His LIFE group is now overflowing. And he’s challenging each of us to make similar fliers and go out into our own neighborhoods. Eric has developed the lesson questions from my book LIVE that are geared toward non-Christians.

I’m personally planning on starting a new neighborhood group in the next couple months. We’ll start by “inviting” the neighbors we know best, but I’m encouraged to go beyond those who we know. I’d like to INVITE those who we don’t know and then continue to “farm” our neighborhood for future fruit.

Jesus said, ALL AUTHORITY is given me in heaven and earth. After telling us this is Matthew 28:18, he says “now you make disciples.” Yes, He does ask us to go and make disciples.

What’s been your experience in inviting people to your group? Difficult? Fruitful?

Joel Comiskey

Components of a Planning Meeting

marioby Mario Vega

The planning meeting is designed to last one hour. In Elim Church’s case, it takes place once a week and more than two days before the cell meeting. planningSince this meeting’s purpose is to strengthen the cell’s meeting principles, its contents are focused on three areas: prayer, evaluation and projection.
Prayer is important because this is a working meeting in which the leader can bring to account his members´ performance. But before asking the members to give account, the leader must give. He must give blessing ministering and praying for each member of his cell.

The second component is the evaluation. At this time, the leader along with the members reviews the previous cell’s meeting results. The effectiveness of the invitation and the performance of each member in their allocation within the cell is evaluated.

Finally, in the projection, the next cell’s meeting invitation is planned. Recommendations are made. Responsibilities are assigned and it ends with another prayer entrusting God with the plans made. All this is done within an hour.


Spanish translation:

Componentes de una reunión de planificación.

La reunión de planificación está diseñada para durar una hora. En el caso de Iglesia Elim, se realiza una vez por semana y más de dos das antes que la reunión de célula. Dado que el propósito de ésta reunión es el de fortalecer los principios de la reunión celular, sus contenidos se enfocan en tres áreas: la oración, la evaluación y la proyección.

La oración es importante porque siendo una reunión de trabajo es una ocasión cuando el lder pide cuentas a los miembros. Pero antes de pedir cuentas el lder debe dar. Debe dar bendición a través de ministrar y orar por cada uno de los miembros de su célula.

El segundo componente es la evaluación. En este tiempo, el lder revisa junto a los miembros los resultados de la reunión de célula anterior. Se evalúa la efectividad en la invitación y el desempeño de cada miembro en su asignación dentro de la célula.

Finalmente, en la proyección, se planifica la invitación para la siguiente reunión de célula. Se hacen recomendaciones. Se asignan responsabilidades y se finaliza con una nueva oración encomendando a Dios los planes hechos. Todo esto en el término de una hora.