Prayer Evangelism

JOELby Joel Comiskey

Cell evangelism strategies abound: picnics, barbeques, videos, the empty chair, and many more. I’ve written about these techniques in my books and promote all of them. Yet, let’s face it: only God can convert a soul.

Our well-packaged methods might get people to attend the cell or even to repeat a “sinner’s prayer, ” but they can’t make regeneration happen.  Only God can do that. We can plant, and we can water, but ultimately only God can give the increase (1 Cor. 3).

Scripture says in Ephesians 6: 11-12: ” Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Satan and his demons have blinded people’s minds, and they’re unable to see the glorious gospel of Christ.

I’ve prayed the “sinner’s prayer”  with people who were never truly saved. No fruit. Those who come to Christ in response to prayer, on the other hand, are supernaturally awakened and continue in the faith. They become part of the body of Christ and learn to share transparently the cell. A supernatural outworking takes place that touches the souls of non-Christians.

The Scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Only prayer can break the hold of the enemy and open blind eyes.

If we’re going to see our friends, family, neighbors and work associates won to Christ, we must pay the price in prayer. Effective cells and cell leaders are dedicated to prayer. They recognize the most effective tool to win non-Christians to Christ is through fervent prayer. They take the words of Paul seriously: “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4:2).



Evangelism is More Fun in a Group

steveby Steve Cordle

One of the main differences between small groups as a program and cell groups as the identity of the church is that cells evangelize.

Evangelism is vital to a cell group because if cells are the backbone and basic expression of the church, a cell without evangelism means we have a church without evangelism. And if we are going to develop disciples in our groups, how can they become like the One who left the 99 to find the 1 lost sheep if they never experience that in the group?

Many American believers find evangelism terrifying and difficult. Therefore, if left alone, it is unlikely they will share their faith on a regular basis. An effective group can provide encouragement and opportunity for evangelism.

One group that I was part of decided to go to the town fair and set up a booth for “popcorn and prayer.”  At first some of members were uneasy about the idea of approaching strangers and offering popcorn and prayer. But because the whole group was doing it, they went along. The result was an inspiring afternoon of praying for people we never would have met nor ministered to had we not done it. And best of all, those who were timid about reaching out discovered they could do so without passing out!

Of course, there are many ways groups reach out with the love of Christ. Having a team praying for you when planning a spiritual conversation with a friend can be a great encouragement. And it’s truly a joy to celebrate the times the lost get found!

It is more likely to happen in a team than all alone.



The Heartbeat of a Cell Church

By Michael Sove

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10)  Jesus had a single-minded focus and knew His purpose.   The church needs to have this same single-minded focus and purpose for existence.  Evangelism is at the heart of a cell church’s focus and purpose.

The short definition I use to define a cell church is as follows.  A cell church is “a church that has placed evangelistic small groups at the core of its ministry.”  Evangelism is the church’s answer to the marching orders given in the “Great Commission” to go make disciples.

One of my favorite definitions of a cell group is as follows:  “A cell is a group of four to fifteen people who meet weekly outside the church building, for the purpose of evangelism, community, and discipleship, with the goal of multiplication.”  Evangelism is the first purpose for which the cell exists.

The beauty of the cell church strategy is that it is a “Two-Winged” strategy.  Evangelism can take place both in the large group wing where all the cells gather together, as well as the small group wing, where cells penetrate the neighborhoods in which we live.

If we are to live out these definitions as a church as well as a cell group, then evangelism needs to be our heartbeat as well.   We need to ask the Lord daily to break our hearts for what breaks His.  What does your heart beat fast for?


Evangelism and Cell Work

by Mario Vega

When the early church met in houses it won the favor of the people and every day new believers were added (Acts 2:47). The presence of believers meeting house to house had a powerful impact in the expansion of the gospel. The early church didn’t originally meet in the homes “to evangelize.” Rather, evangelization was the natural result of their love for Jesus and others.

Evangelism is not the only component of the cells. There is also the component of fellowship and edification. The balance between evangelization, fellowship, and edification can only take place as Jesus is the center of cell life. At the same time, no cell can be healthy if it doesn’t have the evangelist element.

Part of the reason that the church in China now grows more than any other place on the planet is because their meetings are held in small groups in houses. It is a penetration that no one can stop because evangelism is a key element of the cell work.

We must not hesitate to pregnate the cell with an evangelistic thrust that results in multiplication. The relation between evangelism and cell work is a winning combination that has been proven its effectiveness throughout church history.



Translation in Spanish

Las células y la evangelización.

Cuando la iglesia primitiva se reuna en la casas se ganaba el favor del pueblo y cada da se añadan nuevos creyentes (Hch. 2:47). La presencia de la comunidad de creyentes por las casas fue un elemento decisivo para la expansión del evangelio. Obviamente, la iglesia no comenzó a reunirse con el fin de evangelizar. Lo hicieron siguiendo su tradición cultural. Pero el resultado fue un poderoso efecto evangelizador.

No obstante, la evangelización no es el único componente de las células. También existe el componente de la comunión y de la edificación. El balance entre los tres elementos solamente lo puede dar Jesús como centro de la célula. Ninguna célula podrá ser saludable si no posee el elemento evangelizador.

Si la iglesia en China ahora crece más que ninguna otra en el planeta, es porque sus reuniones se realizan en grupos pequeños en las casas. Es una penetración que nadie puede detener. De all que el evangelismo es un elemento decisivo del trabajo celular.

Nosotros, con conciencia de todo ello, no debemos dudar en imprimir a la célula su carácter evangelizador y no olvidar que la multiplicación es la meta que se debe perseguir siempre. La relación entre evangelismo y trabajo celular es una combinación que ha probado a lo largo de la historia su eficacia.

Beggars and Bread

Jeff Tunnell

Evangelism has been described as “one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread”.  It isn’t hard, but the first beggar has to possess two qualities: unselfishness & an overflowing joy in the reality of being fed.  In the cell family that gathers we will need a reminder of the fact that we were once beggars and found the answer to our hunger in Christ’s provision for our salvation.  Over time we can simply get used to being well fed while forgetting about the hunger we used to experience.  Our culture of news media also numbs us to the reality of real people who are bound for hell without Jesus, when we see depicted in a short 30-minute broadcast, hundreds of people washed away in a flood or lives destroyed by earthquake or fire and then turn to one another and ask, “what’s for dinner?”

Urgency in the cell must be fostered by a loving leader who rightfully discerns the need of the community around them and plans for action to literally save the lost.  It is better to work as a team in prayer first, winning the victory in the spirit, and then moving to that action plan for telling the other beggars where we found food.

This is simple and brief, but my daughter’s wedding was on Saturday and I am just getting my feet back under me!  The wedding was spectacular and we are thrilled to have added a son to our growing family.  Be blessed in Jesus name.